Summer Institute

An Innovative Summer Program for Motivated Students & Athletes, Ages 8-14

The SHC Summer Institute is a series of one-week enrichment courses and sports academies for motivated students and athletes ages 8–14. Instructed by SHC’s talented faculty, staff and coaches, students and athletes explore exciting topics through hands-on learning and field trips and pursue athletic achievement with others that share their interests and abilities. All academies run from 9 am to 3 pm daily with a lunch break from noon to 1 pm.

Extended care options are available. To learn more about our morning and after care programs, please click here.

The 2024 SHC Summer Institute will take place from June 10 through July 19. Campers will dig their hands into interesting topics not typically offered at their grade level, and athletes will strengthen their skills while building lasting friendships.

Cost per week: $425 Early Bird. $495 after April 22

Registration will be open on Tuesday, January 30 at noon.

General inquiries may be directed to

Register Now!

Junior Irish Academy

One-week enrichment workshops from 9 am-3 pm for motivated students entering the 3rd & 4th grades

Cost per week: $425 Early Bird. $495 after April 22

Junior Irish Academy

The La Salle Academy

One-week enrichment workshops from 9 am-3 pm for motivated students entering the 5th & 6th grades

Cost per week: $425 Early Bird. $495 after April 22

La Salle Academy

The De Paul Academy

One-week enrichment workshops from 9 am-3 pm for motivated students entering the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades 

Cost per week: $425 Early Bird. $495 after April 22

De Paul Academy

Fighting Irish Sports Academy

One-week sports camps from 9 am-3 pm for aspiring athletes, ages 9-14

Cost per week: $425 Early Bird. $495 after April 22

Fightin' Irish Sport Academy

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Families who decide to cancel their Summer Institute registration prior to the start of their course/sports academy may receive a 50% refund of course/sports academy fees. Students that have already participated in a course/sports academy will not receive a refund.

Register for Summer Institute

Click here to register for SHC’s Summer Institute

Register Now!

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