HERO 筹款活动 首页coming Rally October 22 59 copy


Class of 2028 Application Timeline

September - November 2023

Irish for a Day Program (dates vary)


Financial 援助 applications available online


Parent Visit 7:30-9:30am




Parent Visit 7:30-9:30am


Applications for 招生 Priority Deadline (noon); applications accepted after this deadline for an additional $25 processing fee


Financial aid application due to TADS


Notification of admissions and financial aid decisions mailed to applicants


招生 decisions can be accessed electronically after 4 pm


Registration for the Class of 2028 due by noon

Class of 2028 Application Checklist

  1. Application for the Class of 2028 
  2. 申请费
    • $100 by the Priority Deadline (Thursday, 2023年11月16日 at noon)
    • Subsequent to the Priority Deadline ($25 additional processing fee) 
  3. HSPT testing - Saturday, December 2, 2023
    • Applicants may register to take the HSPT at any location that is administering the test. If you wish to take the test at 圣心大教堂, indicate our school as your test location on our application. Once your application is submitted, you will automatically be registered to take the test on our campus on 2023年12月2日 (8:30 am- 12:30 pm)
    • For more details review the 2028级HSPT常见问题解答 
  4. Financial aid application (if applicable)
    • Application open on Tuesday, 2023年10月3日. 
    • Complete and submit the online financial aid application by Friday, 2023年12月8日.
  5.  Clergy recommendation (optional)
    • 下载 and submit to your clergy member. Clergy member will submit the form on your behalf by January 15, 2024.
  6. Outside letters of recommendation (optional)
    • Recommenders must be people outside of your academic community who can accentuate a special talent and/or speak to your personal character. Note: SHC will solicit the required recommendation from your current school documenting your academic effort and achievement.
    • Letters must not exceed one typewritten page.
    • Recommenders must provide contact information including address, 日间电话号码, and email address in their correspondence so that the 招生 Committee can follow up with them if necessary.
    • Letters can be emailed to admissions@joelbenjaminjackson.com or mailed directly to the SHC 招生 Office by the recommender.
    • 2024年1月31日到期.

Please Note: Transcripts and teacher recommendation forms will be requested by SHC on behalf of the student. They are not a required component of your application.

Students with special needs applying to SHC must include the following with their application:

  1. Professional evaluation documentation
    • Provide a currently active IEP, 504 Plan or other professional evaluation done within the last three years.
    • Documentation deadline for students with special needs is 2023年11月16日.
    • If your student is taking the HSPT at another school, documentation is still needed to complete SHC’s application process.
  2. Application for extended time on the HSPT
    • 下载, complete and submit the application for extended testing time by 2023年11月16日 (form available within the online application).
    • Students that do not submit their application for extended test time by the 2023年11月16日 deadline, may not be considered for testing accommodations. 

Innovative Private High School Serving 马林县, 圣马特奥县, 旧金山县 and 阿拉米达县

"The most important lesson I learned at SHC is to be myself. If I’m honest, genuine, nice, and if I’m just being myself, I hope to thrive."

Eugenio Frew ' 18

学费 & 援助

Uncover the financial resources available to our students and families.


